Culture & History

Statue of Tatsuko

Scenery created by grand nature is always different. Even in the same place, it is changed by the season and time. There is never same scenery differently from a painting on the wall.

There exists a vivid feature in each season such as birth of life in spring, strength of life in summer, beautiful autumnal colors in fall, and mystically spread white snow in winter. The clear seasonable change is the most impressive aspect of nature in Akita.

The travel in a different season gives a dramatical change in the impression. Not only scenery but also smell and atmosphere are changed by the season. Therefore the travel in the same place but in the different season must be enjoyable very much.

“Akisai” is named after nature in Akita, which is never encountered again due to the difference of the time.

It is never boring to visit to the popular sightseeing areas in Senboku city even in several times,and each visit always presents the different impression.

The bronze statue of Tatsuko in a golden color stands at the lakeside of Lake Tazawa-ko. Tatsuko was the legendary girl who prayed for eternal youth and beauty, and became the goddess of this lake. Regarding with the depth of the lake and the color of sky, the surface changes into various colors from deep green to deep blue. All the colors around the statue are harmonized and create a mystic image. For example the statue is shined by light of the sun in summer, and looks mystic with the covering snow in winter. Lake Tazawa-ko is the deepest lake in Japan, and its depth is 423 meters. Because a lake is different from a sea, the water of Lake Tazawa-ko absorbs a spiritual power sprung from the mountain, and it is a spiritually good spot.

According to the folk tale, Hachiro-Taro, who is the owner of Lagoon Hachiro-gata, visited to Lake Tazawa-ko, and Tatsuko was very happy to see him.

Hachiro-Taro said, “How clean the water in this lake is and how affluent the mountains are. First of all Tatsuko is so beautiful. Let us live here together, and I get very happy.” He proposed marriage to Tatsuko, and she accepted his propose.

Since then Hachiro-Taro visited to Lake Tazawa-ko every year. During his absence at Lagoon Hachirogata, the lagoon was frozen and covered with the thick ice although there was no ice in Lake Tazawa-ko,where the couple lived together, due to the passion of their love. Because of their deep love, the depth of the lake got more and more deep.

Near the statue there is the shrine, which both Hachiro-Taro and Tatsuko are related to, and it is a little-known shrine for a marriage tie.

written by Futakata, Taiyo Printing


Statue of Tatsuko 
Address: Katajiri, Myoji, Nishikityou, Senboku City, Akita 014-0511
Direction: one minute walking from Katajiri stop of “Tazawako round line” bus leaving JR Tazawako Station. (The total time is about 30 minutes.) 

Access Map

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